Double Elevation at Adoniram RAM 552.

On Friday the 26th October 2012 a double elevation took place at Adoniram RAM 552 meeting at Hope
Street, Liverpool. 
The R.W.PGM was present and witnessed a fine
elevation conducted by the Officers of the Lodge in
particular the Worshipful Commander, Bro Sydney
Ford and W. Bro Phil Gunning, who gave a fulsome
explanation of the working tools of the degree and
the Junior Warden Bro. Peter Papworth and Senior
Warden Bro. David Anderton who both displayed
remarkable talent and executed their respective
roles in an exemplary manner.
Pictured left: The Candidates
W. Bro William Culshaw
Bro David Culshaw (Cheshire)
The Candidates W. Bro Lionel Gornall of Prescot Mark
Lodge and Bro William Culshaw of Allen Pooley Mark
Lodge expressed their pleasure and delight and
looked forward to many further meetings of the
Bro Culshaw’s brother was present (pictured)
and all enjoyed an extremely pleasant and
entertaining evening.
Pictured right: Lionel Gornall.
Photographs and Article by David Kemp